

World in Uncertain Times:  1950 -- Present


        Decade of Change:  1960s




Civil Rights


“Integrating Ole Miss”:  Story and timeline of James Meredith’s 1961 application to the University of Mississippi and his successful court challenge of the denial of admission; including two letters from Meredith, at J.F. Kennedy Library and Museum website:


Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. “Letter from Birmingham Jail” (April, 1963):



Special Education -- Legislative History on Parents’ United website, describes legislation (from 1965 to 2001) related to education of children with disabilities:



Rehabilitation Act of 1973 – on U.S. Dept. of Labor website, Text of Section 504 of this law which required federal agencies to set up rules to prevent employment discrimination against individuals with disabilities and provided that discrimination by federal or state agencies, or private companies receiving federal funds, if proven, would be punishable by removal of the federal funding, and other legal remedies for the individual:



Americans with Disabilities Act – webpages at U.S. Dept. of Labor explains this 1990 law which prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities:




Foreign Policy and Cold War Crises


Vienna Summit between Krushchev of the Soviet Union and Kennedy of the U.S., building of the Berlin Wall, and other events of the year 1961, at MultiEducator (commercial) website (includes link to Kennedy’s speech at the summit):


Bay of Pigs Invasion – background and description of this April, 1961, U.S. C.I.A.-led mission, with timeline and documents, on ParaScope website:


Bay of Pigs Documents and Declassified Report on the Action, at MultiEducator website:


The Vietnam War: 1961-1970 – Information and links to information on other sites, on MultiEducator website:


Peace Corps:  Official website of this world service organization begun by President Kennedy in 1961 (click on “history”):


“Space Race” webpages at National Air and Space Museum – detailed information on the race between the U.S. and Soviet Union to reach the moon:



U.S. Department of State official website’s “Limited Test Ban Treaty  pages about this first, 1963 treaty, provide background, text of the treaty, and continuing chronology and links for other, later agreements to ban nuclear testing:


Kennedy Assassination


“JFK Assassination” website of Marquette University Political Science Professsor John McAdams, supporting Warren Commission’s determination that a “lone gunman” murdered Kennedy:





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Syracuse, NY

December, 2002