Animal Testing


Biodiversity Loss

Ysraelina Paula


Define the problem

Animal testing has been used in the biomedical research field for centuries. Despite its popularity animal testing is detrimental to the environment and biodiversity. The evolution of technology has led to new non animal methods to test drugs and other products to ensure its safety to humans. Students will get to explore this topic and construct arguments against or in favor of animal testing.



Students will watch a video that highlight the benefits of animal testing. Students will utilize these notes to assume the role assigned and construct arguments that will be presented during the debate over animal testing. Students will be placed in groups of eight. Each group will be composed of two members that are researchers, animal shelters, government officials, and cosmetic companies. Students assume the roles of various stakeholders in a debate. Students will be debating about animal testing, and they must present arguments that align to the assumed stakeholder assigned or selected.

     Stakeholders in the debate


     animal shelters


     Public Opinion


In the first five minutes the teacher will ask students to make inferences on the image.

Image result for animal testing charts in the united states




In order to complete the tasks listed above, you will use the steps of the Public Policy Analyst:

1.      Define the Problem

2.     Gather the Evidence

3.     Identify the Causes

4.     Evaluate an Existing Policy

5.     Develop Solutions

6.      Select the Best Solution



Gather the evidence

   •   The argument that is centered around the animal testing debate is that this practice leads to pollution and biodiversity loss. Furthermore, students need to investigate this topic and extract substantial evidence that supports the damage that rises from testing on animals, and the impact on the biodiversity of our planet.







Identify the causes



  •    Students will investigate why animals are used in research. Students will read several articles that focus on the history of animal testing in the United States. Students will explore the possible arguments of those that support the use of animals for medical research.



Evaluate a Policy


Evaluate a policy

    •  What policies are in place to ensure that animals are not treated cruelly during medical trials?

    •  What policies are in place to monitor the amount of animals that are being used in medical research?

    •  Go to the following website and explore the existing policies on the management of animal testing




Develop Solutions


Develop solutions

How can we stray away from using animals for medical research and find more effective non animal methods?

     • in your groups, you will come up with an alternative to animal testing that is more effective and cheaper.



Select the best solutions

Select best solutions

To select the best possible solution please explore the different proposed solutions. when selecting the best choice reflect on the following

                  •    cost

                  •    accessibility

                  •    resources

                  •    time frame

                  •    who benefits most?







The students will utilize a rubric and a checklist to ensure that they are following the instructions and including all the important information.



Students will learn about the negative effects of testing on animals. Students will also learn about the alternative solutions that medical research can use to test drugs and other products.


       Science Standard: 7.2b When humans alter ecosystems either by adding or removing specific organisms, serious consequences may result. For example, planting large expanses of one crop reduces the biodiversity of the area.


       Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to manage the complexity of the topic.


       Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.


       Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in diverse formats and media (e.g., quantitative data, video, multimedia) in order to address a question or solve a problem.


Debate Grading Rubric








1. Organization & Clarity

Main arguments and responses are outlined in a clear and orderly way.  Enhanced with visuals.(visuals/props not mandatory)


Completely clear and orderly presentation.  Used several visuals and props to enhance presentation.

Mostly clear and orderly in all parts.  Visuals/props used weren’t explained fully

Clear in some parts but not overall.  Limited visuals/props used, not appropriate

Unclear and disorganized throughout.  No visuals or props used.


2.  Opening Statement

Explained and defined source

Excellent explanation of energy source using many definitions and descriptions

Many good facts and definitions were given with only minor gaps

Some decent descriptions but little supporting facts given.

Few or no real definitions or explanations given.


3. Affirmative Statements:

demonstrated knowledge of subject supported by research

Very persuasive arguments are supported by research

Many good arguments given with only minor problems

Some decent arguments, but little research to support it

Few or no real arguments given and no supporting research


4. Negative Rebuttals:

Made specific arguments about the weak points of the opposing team

Excellent rebuttals which focused on the weak points of the opposing team using specific facts and statistics

Many good arguments about the opposing team using some facts and statistics

Arguments showed little knowledge about opposing team

Arguments showed no real knowledge of the opposing team


5. Affirmative Rebuttals:

The team was able to defend itself against attack by extending own position using additional facts to support claim

Used excellent new researched facts to support their side

Many good facts which supported their side

Had some problems coming up with facts to defend their side

Was unable to give any facts to defend its side


6.  Closing Statement

Summarized the main points of the debate

Summarized the main points in detail, highlighting the positive points in their argument and the negative details in their opposition’s arguments

Summarized some but not all main points, highlighting the positive points in their argument and the negative details in their opposition’s arguments

Lacked detail in summary.

Did not summarize the main points of both viewpoints.