Alcoholism in

Native American Communities




19th Century Photo of Blackfoot Indians



A number of important problems confront the people of Native American communities.  Most notably, American Indians suffer from higher incidences of alcoholism and at younger ages than other racial groups in the United States.  Some of the consequences of alcoholism are child abuse, liver diseases, the long-term health effects and learning disabilities associated with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, unemployment, low socio-economic mobility, under-education, and more alcoholism.



II.    TASK:

Imagine yourself a Blackfoot Indian living on a reservation. You are aware of the fact that your people have a higher level of alcoholism than the other racial groups living around you.  You worry about these issues enough to mount a public awareness campaign on your reservation.  You will thoroughly research the topic of alcoholism among Native Americans, and you will propose new public policy to help eliminate the problem in the future.

You will work in groups of four to create a PowerPoint presentation that you will present to the Bureau of Indian Affairs when they visit your reservation.  Your public policy solutions to the Native American alcoholism problem must include an example of a proposal for best policy solution that you and your group discover.

The teacher will divide you into your groups.  Each group will have a:

A Group Leader

Public Policy Analyst


PowerPoint Designer

Make sure that you work through all the research, the steps of the Public Policy Analyst, and the design of the PowerPoint together as a group. 



                                                   Blackfoot Territory                                                                                A Blackfoot Chief



                                                                                                                 Blackfoot Teepees




In order to design new policy initiatives several steps have to be taken. Exact problems must be identified, new policy must be formulated, costs and feasibility must be determined, and steps toward implementation of the new public policy must be taken.


Follow the steps below and complete the Public Policy Analyst worksheets.  You will have to use the research information in the resource section below to help you fill out some of the worksheets:


v      Use the 6-step Public Policy format, which you have already learned. Complete the handouts given to collect information for each step.


1. Define the problem

2. Gather evidence

3. Identify causes

4. Evaluate a policy

5. Develop solutions

6. Select the best solution


v      Go to the PPA and complete the worksheets:


1.          Identify and define the problem of not alcoholism in the native American Indian culture.  Use the worksheet found at the website:



2.         Gather evidence for this problem and complete worksheets.



3.         Identify the causes and effects alcoholism in Native America communities: 



4.         Create three of your own public policies that will address the social problem alcoholism in the Native America communities.  Use the worksheets found at: and


5.         Finally, evaluate the effectiveness of your public policy solutions and select the best solution to solve the problem of alcoholism in the Native America communities by using the worksheet found at the website:





What is Alcoholism?:

Click on the link below and then on “watch the animation”


Fetal Alcohol Syndrome:


Recovering from Alcoholism:


Student Editorial on the Problem of Alcoholism:


Stereotyping of Native Americans:


“The Goshoot Indians are savages  who, when asked if they have

the common Indian belief in a Great Spirit show a

something which almost amounts to emotion,

thinking whisky is referred to....”

               --Mark Twain, Roughing It, 1872


Causes of Alcoholism:


Genes & Environment:






Needs Improvement                                           Excellent             


Do your responses to the research questions reflect thorough, careful research?


1                 2                3               4               5

Analysis Process

Does your Public Policy Analysis reflect careful thought of the problem and analysis of the two economic systems as solutions?




1                 2                3               4               5

Power Point Presentation

Does your Power Point presentation creatively present the required information, follow the appropriate procedure, and compel the audience?





1                 2                3               4               5

Choosing an Economic System

Have you made a convincing argument that one of the economic systems more effectively and efficiently distributes food?




1                 2                3               4               5

Group Work & Class Presentation

Have you conducted yourselves professionally during class time while doing your research and while presenting your findings to the class?




1                 2                3               4               5


























English Language Arts (ELA) Standards:

1.          Students will read and write for information and understanding.

2.         Students will read and write for literary response and expression.

3.             Students will read and write for critical analysis and evaluation.

4.             Student will speak and listen for social interaction.




By doing this project, you have acquired important research, analysis, organization, and cooperative skills.  You have also learned six steps of being a Public Policy Analyst.  In addition, you have written and presented your find to the Bureau of Indian Affairs in the form of a PowerPoint presentation.