Move To Improve:

Should you move from your country to improve your life?

Suimani Mills

PS197M Grade 3-7



In our lives we often encounter people from other countries. Sometimes those people are in our families or we just encounter them in our everyday lives. We never stop and think how did they get to our country, or why did they come?

In this web quest, you will explore “moving to improve”.  You will look at the history of immigration, learn some reasons why people migrate and what attracts them to America, and look at the way people become residents of the United States. You will try your hand at understanding how different geographic locations affect a person’s decision to emigrate from their country of origin.




Students will:

1.      Examine reasons people migrate from their home nations and come to the United States.

2.     Explore geographical and social reasons that people are “migrating” or leaving their country.

3.     Describe the conditions that their country of origin has or had that might influence their decision making process in becoming an immigrant to the United States.

4.    Compare conditions that the immigrant will face here in the United States in comparison to their origin nation.

5.     Your Web Quest will include the P.P.A. steps to address the problem and analyze the problem (30%).

6.    In your Web Quest you will create a power point presentation (20%), oral presentation (10%), interview “immigrants” from assigned country (10%) and present a written report of your discovery (20%).

7.     Remember be creative its( 10%) of your grade.


Process/ Resources:

The Teacher will being assigning groups. All groups will be assigned a particular country to research.


Power Point: 20%

Your power point will include relevant facts that you found out about your country. It will include your name, country, geographical features and facts. 3 interesting facts about your country and Pictures.

Oral Presentation: 20%

Your oral presentation will match your power point presentation. Be able to answer questions asked by the class. For the oral presentation, you should limit your time to 5 to 10 minutes to clearly present your information. Speak clearly and make eye contact with your audience. You can use notes for prompting. Make sure visual media (pictures) match your oral presentation and shows up in the correct spot.  20%

Interview: 10%

In this section you will be given a numbered card. Your partner has the same number as you. On your card is also the country you will be interviewing.  You will be grouped in sets of 4 or 5. Each group will be assigned a country to examine, explore and describe.

Your interview will have answered the questions on your s urvey.

Written: 50%

Your written essay will be 3 typed paragraphs. The paragraphs will include the answers from your readings and research.  20%

Your written report will include the P.P.A. steps to address and analyze the problem.  30%

Create a cover for your report. Remember to be creative. 10%


Step #1  Define the Problem: 

What are the social issues that cause many families to leave their Country of origin and come to America. Many families suffer hardship and difficulty when they leave their home for a new country. Why do they leave and what are the problems they face in making this decision?

PPA Worksheet #1


Step# 2: Pair/Share: Gather the Evidence

How many immigrants are entering the U.S. annually? Where are they coming from?

Get with your assigned country and review what you have just learned. Spend 10 minutes doing this. Add to your notes anything new from your discussion. Write down any questions that you have about migration and what you have learned so far.    

PPA Worksheet #2



Use the links below to answer the questions. Questions will be below each link. Answer them on your own piece of paper. Include it in your written essay.


-What are the seven continents?

-What are some facts about your country?

Immigration History:

1965 Immigration Act:

What was the importance of the act? What was the impact?

Ellis Island:

What was the original purpose for Ellis Island?

How long would the inspection process take for each immigrant?

What 2 factors stopped someone from coming through Ellis Island?

What were some of the immigration restrictions protecting?

What is the difference between a “push” and “pull” factor? Give an example of each.


Step #3 Identify the Causes:

Why do many families leave their home country to immigrate to America? Research the many causes that might make a family take the risk of immigrating to another country.

 PPA Worksheet #3


How much does it cost to immigrate to the United States?

How much does your country pay to address the problems you found?

How much does a green card cost?


Step #4 Evaluate existing public immigration policies?

Identify Policies that contribute to the issue of immigration in the origin country. What public policies in the U.S. relate to the problem facing immigrant decision making?

 PPA Worksheet #4

What are the steps needed to become a citizen

Examine the existing policies regarding immigration today.


Step#5 Develop possible solutions:

Propose changes to current policies or suggest new public policies that would help improve problems facing family immigration.

Create a creative solution to some of the problems the possible “immigrants” in your country face.

Worksheet #5


Step#6:  Select the best solution.

Determine feasibility Versus reasonableness

Worksheet #6 

Examine the feasibility of your solution.

Include your solution in your oral presentation and your written report.


Last Steps: Image result for finish line images


Hand in your work on time. Be neat, and be prepared to present. Follow your rubric.


Have Fun !! Image result for smiley face


Grades are based on percentages. You can get 100% on this web quest. There are 3 main points you must answer in order to attain 100% on your project. This is an 8 week project. You are required to type your written report and create a cover for it. Your written report will include the P.P.A. steps and worksheets.

20%- power point

10%- oral presentation

20%-written report

10%-interview question




Research Report : Move to Improve

Teacher Name: S. Mills 

Student Name:     ________________________________________






Internet Use

Successfully uses suggested internet links to find information and navigates within these sites easily without assistance.

Usually able to use suggested internet links to find information and navigates within these sites easily without assistance.

Occasionally able to use suggested internet links to find information and navigates within these sites easily without assistance.

Needs assistance or supervision to use suggested internet links and/or to navigate within these sites.


Information is very organized with well-constructed paragraphs and subheadings.

Information is organized with well-constructed paragraphs.

Information is organized, but paragraphs are not well-constructed.

The information appears to be disorganized. 8)


Notes are recorded and organized in an extremely neat and orderly fashion.

Notes are recorded legibly and are somewhat organized.

Notes are recorded.

Notes are recorded only with peer/teacher assistance and reminders.


No grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors.

Almost no grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors

A few grammatical spelling, or punctuation errors.

Many grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors.


Oral Presentation Rubric

Teacher Name: S. Mills 

Student Name:     ________________________________________






Posture and Eye Contact

Stands up straight, looks relaxed and confident. Establishes eye contact with everyone in the room during the presentation.

Stands up straight and establishes eye contact with everyone in the room during the presentation.

Sometimes stands up straight and establishes eye contact.

Slouches and/or does not look at people during the presentation.


Shows a full understanding of the topic.

Shows a good understanding of the topic.

Shows a good understanding of parts of the topic.

Does not seem to understand the topic very well.

Stays on Topic

Stays on topic all (100%) of the time.

Stays on topic most (99-90%) of the time.

Stays on topic some (89%-75%) of the time.

It was hard to tell what the topic was.


Student is completely prepared and has obviously rehearsed.

Student seems pretty prepared but might have needed a couple more rehearsals.

The student is somewhat prepared, but it is clear that rehearsal was lacking.

Student does not seem at all prepared to present.


Student is able to accurately answer almost all questions posed by classmates about the topic.

Student is able to accurately answer most questions posed by classmates about the topic.

Student is able to accurately answer a few questions posed by classmates about the topic.

Student is unable to accurately answer questions posed by classmates about the topic.



Social Studies Rubric


Name: ___________________________________              Date: _______________________


Excellent (4)

Good (3)

Fair (2)

Poor (1)

Demonstrates skills or can discuss concepts without errors.

Demonstrates skills or can discuss concepts adequately.

Demonstrates some skills or can discuss some concepts although adequately.

Demonstrates very little skill; cannot discuss the concept logically.

Shows total knowledge instant recall, and comfortable application of content, skills or concepts.

Shows strong knowledge, recall, and application of content, skills, or concepts

Shows incomplete knowledge, recall, and application of content, skills, or concepts.

Shows minimal or no knowledge , recall or application of content, skills or concepts

Answer all questions correctly, clearly and in detail.

Answer most questions correctly, clearly, and in detail.

Answers few question correctly, clearly or in details.

Answers most questions incorrectly and without details.

What I did well

What I need to work on









Teacher’s Comments:






Teacher’s Initials: ___________          Student’s Initials: ____________        Date:____________


Final Thought- Image result for think Bubble

How has geographical features and social conditions influenced immigration to the United States?

Thanks for all your hard work and dedication.

Complete the final survey

Ms. Mills


Standards: R.I3.1, R.I3.3, R.I3.5, R.I3.7, R.I3.9